«Le maître artisant qui donne un nouveau souffle à la clarinette.»
«Wenn ich ein Instrument verbessern will, dann bin ich wie ein Spürhund, der Fährte aufnimmt.»
« extrait de la "Schweizer Familie", numéro 51/2020, p. 20-23
Servette-Music: 50 ans et toujours dans le vent
Tribune de Genève - Le 28-29 septembre 2019.
L'institution genevoise fête un demi-siècle d'activité au service des cuivres, bois, guitares et musiciens du cru. Hisoitre d'une belle affaire familiale entre innovations, passion et pistons.
Prize of craftsmanship awarded in 2009 to Servette-Music
This prize was created in 1991 to highlight the richness and the diversity of Genevese craftsmanship. Awarded from 1991under the guidance of the Association of Genevese Communes, it is the corollary of the Prize of Industry awarded by the Sate of Geneva.
The winner is chosen by a jury of professionals who meet several times per year. In addition to the qualities of the candidate’s work, the jury takes into account his commitment to training musicians and their transmission of know-how.